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色と形のずっと手前で / 長嶋りかこ

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2,530 JPY

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グラフィックデザイナーが母になったら、色と形に辿りつかない日々が始まった。妊娠してお腹が大きくなり、のそのそと歩まねばならぬ体に変化していく中で見えてきたのは、ままならない体と足並みの揃わない社会だった。育児が始まると目の前に立ちはだかる仕事と育児の両立という壁。人々の暮らしと地続きであるはずのデザインの仕事と、目の前の家事育児という暮らしの相性の悪さ。子どもの時間と、仕事の時間。子どもを通して見ている世界と、仕事を通して見えている世界。混沌とした曲線の世界と、秩序だった直線の世界。二つの間で立ち往生しながら見えてきたのは、資本主義のレースと止まらぬ環境破壊とジェンダー不平等が一つの輪をなしている景色。そして子どもが手をひいて連れて行ってくれる、土の匂いがする景色。かつて自分も知っていた、あの曲線の景色。 (村畑出版) ◎目次 想定外の曲線 四角くて軽くて早い まあるくて重くて遅い 期待される自然な形 産まれたての赤 混乱の白い血 見えない仕事 見えない性 母のグラデーション 変形するひと 変形しないひと 命の結び目 色と形 ****** 【About orders placed during the summer holiday period】
 We will be closed from August 10 to August 20 for summer vacation. 
Please place your order by August 8, if you wish to have your order shipped as soon as possible.
 Orders will be accepted during the summer holiday, but will be shipped sequentially from August 21 onward. When a graphic designer became a mother, her days of not being able to reach colour and shape began. As she became pregnant, her belly grew and her body changed into one that had to walk slowly, she found her body unable to keep up and society unable to keep up. When she started to raise her child, she found herself confronted with the challenge of balancing work and childcare. The incompatibility between design work, which is supposed to be connected to people's lives, and the housework and childcare in front of me. Time for children and time for work. The world seen through children and the world seen through work. The world of chaotic curves and the world of ordered straight lines. Stuck between the two, I see a landscape where the race of capitalism, unstoppable environmental destruction and gender inequality form a circle. And a landscape where children take you by the hand and you can smell the earth. A landscape of those curves that I once knew too. (village farm press) -Table of Contents-. Unexpected curves Square and light and fast, Round and heavy and slow Expected natural shape Newly born red White blood of confusion Invisible work Invisible sex Mother's gradations The transforming person, The untransformed person The knot of life Colour and form 著者:長嶋りかこ 出版元:村畑出版 表記:日本語 H188mm×W128mm/504P/2024 *Overseas shipping OK *Free shipping on orders over ¥ 10,800 in Japan only. Overseas shipping charges apply.

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